Sunday, April 3, 2011

Massoud Barzani withdrew from his promises to leave office

Source: Lvin Number 157 of 1 April 2011

·         Mr. Massoud Barzani stated in front of the Italian Media that if 50,000 people ask him to leave the office he will do so. So far, a campaign under title “Mr. President, I’m not accepting you as my president” that was initiated by some undergraduates from University of Suleimany were able to collect over 60,000 signatures. They have forwarded a message to Barzani’s office and are ready to officially handover the signatures to him. He is not responding! Also, Lvin’s website collected signatures through its website, people were able to electronically vote only once. They were able to collect over 130,000 signatures from people asking Barzani to leave the office.
·         On 11 March 2011, the president of Kurdistan Region put his political position under question when he accepted to give a speech to people whom were holding yellow (his own party) and green (Jalal Talabai’s party) flags.
·         Mr. Barzani failed even in forming an Institutional Presidency Office for Iraqi Kurdistan. His office is still part of his palace, within his home’s boundaries.
·         Mr. Barzani’s biggest failure was his inability to supervise forming national institutions within the Kurdistan Region.

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